Recent Activity

I have been fairly busy preparing for an upcoming Beading / Baby Moccasin making workshop that I will be teaching – thank you to the Elk Valley Metis Association for providing funding for the workshop!

Prior to Christmas I also managed to create a few paintings, mostly from my fabulous trip to Haida Gwaii. One has already been sold. A new painting is on the easel, but it is LARGE, so may be some time before it is finished.


Back at it

Spring and summer have always been a busy time & this year has been far busier than usual. With a move, landscaping, gardening, visitors and camping trips, very little time was dedicated to painting. Today – finally – I have put a nice dent in a painting I had started a couple of months ago. Here’s a step by step of the painting process so far.

The underpainting – using burnt Sienna to draw in

Into the colour now and getting a gradation in the sky

More colour and lots of stepping back to see if I am digging the drawing and if the values (light and darks) are correct. I already see some areas I need to adjust once the sky is dry, but overall things are going well.